Erotic Hypnosis ExperimentI received an email the this morning that simply said “I should not have to jump through hoops on your store to get a free file. Just email it to me at this address.” It’s a glaring example of the presumptuous, self-entitled society we are becoming. Hmmmm…let me see. I share a free femdom erotic hypnosis session and choose to use my hypnosis shop as the vessel to deliver it, requiring no valid information except for an email address and I am the one inconveniencing him? These are the types of emails that get deleted typically without any further thought. I’m a sucker for good manners and anyone who knows me well can tell you that anyone who treats me with genuine respect and dignity will reap significant rewards. I think it is often assumed that it is OK to treat those who produce adult goods like crap. I don’t care if I’m objectified, masturbated to, worshipped or hated, but I’m nobody’s puppet. If you bring nothing to the table, you’ll receive the same in return…in abundance.

Don’t worry! This is leading to a point. I’m working on a very special femdom hypnosis recording right now that will be ready this weekend after I get my other new sessions released. It does not have a title and won’t have one. It will be incredibly sexual and intimate for those that fantasize about me sexually and want to experience something truly surreal with me. This erotic hypnosis session will also be free…and you will have to jump through every last damned one of my hoops to get it. If the directions are not followed precisely, I won’t even bother to reply. It is my own personal hypnotic social experiment. I am not tweeting this post or putting it up on any forums. It is meant to be found only by those that are here for the right reasons. Here is what I want and if you want it bad enough, you’ll follow every step.

The hoops (to be followed in precise order):
1. You must leave a QUALITY review for an erotic hypnosis session you have listened to on my femdom hypnosis store. If you haven’t had the pleasure listening to one of my sessions there a couple of free erotic hypnosis sessions to choose from. Reviews can be anonymous.
2. You’ll use my contact form to send me the first sentence of your review (so I can give you credit for the step) along with the biggest reason you enjoy my brand of erotic hypnosis.
3. You will navigate to my femdom links page and click on every single banner. Don’t lie about it. I have real-time stats.
4. You will return to the contact form and convince me to send you the recording. If you make it far enough to reach this step, I would assume I shouldn’t even have to tell you this part, but “Please Tessa Please” is not going to cut it. Make me laugh…inspire me…flatter me…be creative and show me how bad you want it.

If you just got done reading this and thought:
1. “This bitch is crazy! I’m not doing all that for an Erotic Hypnosis session
Well, you probably are not the type of person that would click with anyhow.
2. “Those hoops don’t seem like much. I’ll do it!”
Good for you. You have a sense of adventure
3. “No problem Tessa. I do this stuff for you everyday anyway!”
Then you are very precious to me already.

UPDATE: This little challenge never ends. The recording has been complete for so long now and enjoyed by many. Anyone is still welcome to participate! I’ll never expire this offer.