Hello boys! The holiday season is upon us again and I don’t know what it is about this time of year, but I tend to feel all mushy and sentimental. I also start to feel so grateful for the life I have as I reflect over the past year and smile at all the triumphs and giggle at the glorious disasters. One of the biggest biggest victories of the year is the enhanced and new relationships with my fans and fellas this year. I’ve enjoyed getting to know the lurkers peeking their head out to say hello after being deeply affected by a session just as much as I’ve loved going to new levels with my favorite, loyal boys. (You know who you are!)

One thing that has become very important to me is how my boys represent me. I’ve always been blessed with intelligent, thoughtful, and clever subjects and it pleases me to think that is the kind of fella my work attracts. I’ve got a challenge for all of you wonderful boys. My desire this holiday season is for us to spread a little cheer and a lot of smiles. Now I know some of my quiet boys are feeling a little panic rising. No worries. It’s really simple. I’d just like you to make a point to find something every day this month to make someone else’s day a bit better.

Challenge Ideas:

Give an unexpected hug to one of your loved ones

Donate to a charity

Let a car pull ahead of you while merging

Say hello to an old friend

Right a wrong

Drop a toy in a donation bin

Adopt a rescue animal

Call your parents!

I’m sure you see what I’m getting at by now. I’m not asking you to do anything other than be a better man and in turn, a better submissive boy for Tessa. I’d love to hear about what you’re doing if you’d like. It would please me so much!

Now for my boys that love to spoil their goddess…my holiday wish list is unveiled!

I was spoiled and pampered so much this year that I am not left wanting for much, but I do have some wants and needs this holiday.

My number one priority is getting a new Mac. Now, I don’t expect anyone to get one outright, although that would be amazing, but you can help by sending me an apple store digital gift card via this link (Send to hypnotessa (at) gmail dot com) I’ll update this page each day so you can see how much I still need.

MAC Progress

[wppb progress=”$1800/$1735″ option=red candystripe location=inside]


My second desire is some new Crossfit gear so I’d love to make a purchase from Rogue Fitness. Their digital gift cards can be found here.

Lastly, for those of you used to amazon, my holiday wish list is back with only a few wanted items!

Let’s make this a great holiday boys by saying “Yes Tessa!”