Tessa’s Blog
This is where I announce new MP3s and share my thoughts. There’s a little bit of everything here and a great way to get to know me reading the more personal posts.
Weekend freebie delayed a day
So here I am, busting my ass to get this file prepared for all of you. In the final stretch of editing, my audio program crashes. I reopen it and everything is gone gone gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After a lengthy fit of cussing and throwing things, I googled my problem...
Holiday Gifts for Me and You!
It's that time of year again! I've been getting a ton of emails about what I want Santa to bring me and I know I'm really late in replying so I hope this post will cover it. I'm also excited to tell you about what Santa is stuffing your stocking with too! What...
The new Hypnotessa.com…in more ways than one!
As you can tell by now, I've re-designed my site once again! I've almost got my new credit card processor in place so I can release new files and it got me so excited that I decided to celebrate by sprucing up the place! Yes, I realize I just could have celebrated...
Upcoming hypnotic releases and other bits
I'm sure more than a few of you have seen a banner of mine floating around about a new MP3 release called Singularity. I have many new ones coming, but I wanted to explain why it hasn't been released yet. Once again, one of the few companies that are wiling to process...
Erotic Hypnosis: The Thinking Man’s Porn
I've been pretty overwhelmed lately thinking of how incredible my fans are. Most that I have encountered are smart, witty, well-spoken, and charming. It got me thinking...who listens to erotic hypnosis? It is fascinating to me how many consider erotic...
Poor Little Microphone…I’ll miss you
It's finally happening. My precious microphone that has recorded the sultry sounds of hypnosis and femdom control for me over the last 5 years is starting to die. I have to go through a routine of rebooting and re-plugging to record for a short while without a...
Trophy Slave MP3
Trophy Slave is the final chapter of the Mistress Wants training series. The entire series is based on the intricacies of a loving D/s relationship. The installments are based on my personal philosophies and tastes regarding submissive men and an interest in...
Choose Control FREE MP3
It just came to my attention that I never posted this FREE erotic hypnosis session on my blog. Now it makes sense why I get so many emails from people that didn't realize this file existed! This 31 minute hypnosis session presents control to you in a different...